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  • 1918-1939
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Nasz Przegląd

Nasz Przegląd

Nasz Przegląd ('Our Review') was a Polish-Jewish newspaper with Zionist leanings. It was founded in 1923. Nasz Przegląd was the most well-known Polish-Jewish newspaper in interwar Poland. It was noted for its quality of writing and staunch Polish-Jewish stance. It was issued daily from Warsaw. The editorial team of Nasz Przegląd consisted of personalities that had been working with previous Polish-Jewish press outlets, Opinia Żydowska, Glos Żydowski and Dziennik Poranny. Estimates of its circulation ranged from 20,000 to 50,000. The newspaper had a significant non-Jewish readership. Nasz Przegląd staunchly claimed independence from political parties, carrying the label 'Independent Organ' in its byline. Between 1926 and 1930 Nasz Przegląd had a supplement for children, Mały Przegląd ('Little Review'). It was edited by Janusz Korczak.and appeared weekly on Fridays. Isaac Deutscher worked for the newspaper in the 1920s.


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  • 1918-1939
  • Language
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